Metrolab Care monitors and adapts all the practices in accordance with the latest guidance from UK’s Public Health Authorities. We remain in close contact with industry experts, to ensure we continue to meet the highest possible standards of infection control.
We are deeply committed to all necessary adjustments and measures needed to keep our clients, their families and our fantastic carers safe in this challenging time.
Our team is standing together for safety first, therefore our carers and the office staff wear masks, gloves, use alcohol gel to clean their hands and keep distance when possible. Some of our workers wear shields to protect their face.
All our staff was asked to use different clothing for work and outside and for staying at home. We are confident that all those measures help with preventing the spread of infections well.
Office for National Statistics clearly shows that the level of deaths recorded in the care homes in England and Wales this year has on average more than doubled compared to previous years. This is a real tragedy for many families in all the country who are grieving for loved ones.
Currently, the safest form of care for the elderly is Live-in care.
Live in care is a safe and controlled way of care provision.
There continues to be a higher risk involved in a residential care or nursing home due to the high number of ‘contacts’ between staff and residents, which increases chances for transmission of any infection. A care home simply cannot achieve the same level of service than one-to-one care.
One-to-one care ensures that health and wellbeing of your beloved ones can be proactively monitored and effectively responded to.
Given the nature of live-in care – care being provided in the comfort of an individual’s own home – the risks of infection are significantly lower than other types of elderly care. Carers providing care in a residential care home will have a number of contacts each day with residents and other carers, which increases infection risk and minimises ability to control any potential outbreak.